
Agrarian Trust

Request for Proposals: Agrarian Trust Seeks Web Designer for Site Redesign, Apply by 9/30/2024

RFP Issue Date: 09/01/24

RFP Submission Due Date: 9/30/24

RFP Administrator: Sarah Holdeman, Operations Manager, Agrarian Trust

Please use the subject line: Agrarian Trust Web Design Services RFP

Submit proposals via email as a PDF or Word to: [email protected]


Agrarian Trust requests proposals from qualified applicants for a website design consulting services contract to work with our remote team to redesign our website.

About Agrarian Trust: Agrarian Trust catalyzes support for next-generation farmers by working with communities to acquire and steward land for equitable access, cultural reconnection, regenerative agriculture, and ecological restoration. For more information, visit www.agrariantrust.org

Agrarian Trust is a national 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to expanding community ownership of farmland, developing legal tools, and fundraising to help communities hold land and lease to next-generation farmers on a long term, affordable basis. The Agrarian Commons is our flagship initiative, working with communities across the U.S. to acquire and steward farmland. 

Project Overview

This work primarily entails:

  • Assisting Agrarian Trust’s Communications Manager and team with redesigning our website to ensure that our educational materials and legal resources are easily accessible.
  • Improving our ability to communicate via our website to advance our mission of achieving secure, long-term land tenure for next-generation farmers. 

We aim to redesign our website with the following objectives:

  • Improve navigation and user experience, especially for accessing educational materials and legal resources.
  • Ensure accessibility and compliance with ADA guidelines.
  • Enhance the website’s visual appeal, ensuring that it aligns with our organizational identity.
  • Optimize the website for mobile devices and improve site speed.
  • Integrate content management systems (CMS) for easy updates and maintenance by staff.
  • Incorporate SEO best practices to increase searchability of our resources.

Scope of Work Overview

  • Advise on, develop, and launch new website in collaboration with Agrarian Trust’s team.
  • Attend meetings of up to 1 to 1.5 hours weekly or biweekly with our team during the project as well as maintain regular email contact.

The scope of work for this project includes, but is not limited to:

  1. Website Structure & Design:
    • Develop a clear, user-friendly structure to present educational and legal resources.
    • Redesign the homepage, resource sections, and key landing pages.
    • Ensure responsive design across all devices (desktop, mobile, tablet).
  2. Content Management System (CMS) Integration:
    • Implement (or update) a CMS (e.g., WordPress, Drupal) to allow easy management of content, including adding new resources and educational materials.
  3. Accessibility & Usability:
    • Ensure the website complies with ADA guidelines to accommodate users with disabilities.
    • Conduct usability testing to ensure a seamless user experience.
  4. SEO & Analytics:
    • Implement SEO best practices to enhance the discoverability of content.
    • Integrate analytics tools (e.g., Google Analytics) to track user behavior and engagement with resources.
  5. Training & Support:
    • Provide training for staff on updating and maintaining the website.
    • Offer technical support for the first 3 months post-launch (e.g. up to 2 hours of assistance or answering questions or troubleshooting per month).

Qualifications & Capabilities

Applicants must demonstrate the following qualifications:

  1. Experience in Nonprofit Website Design:
    • Provide examples of websites designed for nonprofit organizations, particularly those featuring educational materials or legal resources.
  2. Proven Track Record of Accessibility Compliance:
    • Share examples of projects that comply with ADA guidelines for web accessibility.
  3. Content Management Expertise:
    • Demonstrate experience with integrating and customizing CMS platforms.
  4. SEO & Analytics:
    • Showcase experience with SEO optimization and integrating analytics tools.
  5. Communication & Collaboration Skills:
    • Excellent written and oral communication skills.
    • Adaptable, with an ability to consult in a remote, collaborative environment.

Proposal Requirements

Interested applicants should submit the following in their proposals:

  1. Cover Letter:
    • A brief introduction to your company/agency/individual qualifications, including why you are interested in this project.
  2. Portfolio:
    • Examples of relevant website design work for nonprofit or similar organizations or a link to an online portfolio.
  3. Project Approach:
    • Briefly describe your approach to the project, including key phases, timelines, milestones, and accomplishments.
  4. Budget Breakdown:
    • Provide a basic budget breakdown, including all major costs associated with the website redesign (e.g., design, development, testing, training, support).
  5. References:
    • Provide at least two references from previous clients who can speak to your qualifications and past work.

Evaluation Criteria

Proposals will be evaluated based on the following:

  1. Relevant Experience
    • Experience designing nonprofit websites and handling educational/legal content.
  2. Project Approach & Methodology
    • Clarity, comprehensiveness, and creativity in the project approach.
  3. Budget Feasibility
    • Reasonableness of the proposed budget and timeline.
  4. References & Testimonials
    • Feedback from previous clients on the quality of work and communication.

Confidentiality Clause: 

The information contained in this RFP and any subsequent discussions or materials provided by Agrarian Trust (“Disclosing Party”) to the bidder or consultant (“Receiving Party”) is confidential and proprietary. The Receiving Party agrees to maintain the confidentiality of all such information and not to disclose it to any third party without the prior written consent of the Disclosing Party. This obligation of confidentiality shall survive the expiration or termination of the RFP process. The Receiving Party shall only use the confidential information for the purpose of preparing its proposal in response to this RFP and for no other purpose. 

Conflict of Interest

All consultants interested in conducting business with Agrarian Trust must disclose any potential conflicts of interest in the consultant’s proposal in order to be eligible to be awarded a contract. Failure to disclose potential conflicts of interest shall result in disqualification. 

For best consideration, please apply by 09/30/2024 via email to: [email protected]

Please use the subject line: Agrarian Trust Web Design Services RFP

We look forward to receiving your proposals and collaborating together!

Agrarian Trust complies with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations regarding nondiscrimination, equal opportunity, and affirmative action. All qualified applicants will receive consideration. Agrarian Trust is committed to a policy of equal opportunity for all people and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, physical or mental disability, protected veteran status, age, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, creed, marital status, political affiliation, appearance, or on the basis of rights secured by the First Amendment, in all aspects of employment, contracting, and activities.  


Indigenous Peoples Summit

September 12-14th, Omaha, NE
The Indigenous Peoples Summit is weeks away! Open to the public and committed to multiracial unity, the IPS returns this year with insightful speakers, workshops, and a renewed focus on tools for land access and land rematriation. Agrarian Trust proud to be a major sponsor of this powerful convening of Indigenous leaders, artists, chefs, farmers, and fellow land and food justice organizers. >> Learn more and register

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