Agrarian Trust

Help Grow the Future of Farming

From the Grange School:


Family and Friends,

I am writing to you with a thrilling story and a humble request.  As some of you know, this year I am pursuing the ambitious goal of starting up a new residential training program for aspiring farmers… For people like me who are passionate about turning the food crisis into an opportunity for innovation, creativity, sustainability, and tangible change.  It is called the Grange Farm School, it formed organically from the pressure and demand to provide hands-on training in one of civilization’s oldest professions, and its goals inspire me to pounce out of bed every morning. To accomplish this monumental task, I am writing to ask for your support. Please share our story and encourage donations to our fundraising campaign.

The school is located on 12 fertile acres of the beautiful Ridgewood Ranch in Northern California.  A 1920s ranch house is undergoing renovation for staff housing and classroom space, we have 7 acres available for crop production and livestock grazing and rotation, plus a two acre orchard with 100 year old apple trees.  There is incredibly strong potential for developing a world class institute here- we have ample space, natural resources, a network of experts in their field, and most importantly we have the will and the power to make it happen.  I am most excited about the training we will provide in business management, industrial arts, alternative construction techniques, and holistic livestock management.  Being a great farmer is so much more than being able to produce quality food- the skills we need to learn extend into many other fields and this program is unique in our integration of a diverse curriculum.

Within three years the school will be self supporting with tuition and farm sales, but we need help to get the project off the ground.  All of the one-time start up costs are critical to the success of the project, like student housing facilities, fencing, irrigation, livestock, and more.

Here’s what I’m asking: check out our page on the FundRazr site, watch our video and see for yourself the stunning location and story behind the school, look through our premiums and donate whatever you are able to support the project.  In return, I will dedicate my boundless energy to making your donation as useful as possible, and I will turn your donation into a part of the solution to our food crisis. Here is a link: Grange Farm School FundRAZR Site!

Thanks again for your time and support.  I am brimming with excitement and hope over the success of this project, along with the success of my generation to overhaul a defunct system and replace it with a smarter one.  We have the means, we have the knowledge, what we need is grassroots support on a large scale in order to change conventions.
With extreme gratitude,

Ruthie King
Assistant Director
Grange Farm School
(860) 670 7146