Land and Water: A Long Term Perspective
In the context of global warming, issues of access to land and water have been revived at a moment of disappearing land, mass migration, foreclosures, evictions, rent hikes, land grabs, and the privatization of clean water. We believe that now is a vital moment for academics and activists to enter a shared conversation about control and access to land and water, naming the most formidable challenges, the utopian models, and the important historical analogues for our present moment.
Thirty Years of Trailblazing a Farm Community at Temple-Wilton Community Farm
The story of Temple-Wilton Community Farm is one of community and commitment, persistence, and vision. As a community-based farm, Temple-Wilton provides support for its farmers and food security for its members. The farm exemplifies how Agrarian Trust might protect a working farm in perpetuity as a kind of ‘agrarian commons’ while upholding the values of access, affordability, and land security.
Land Access & Racial Equity: Creating an Agrarian Commons
How do we cooperatively own and steward land for food sovereignty, soil and ecosystem health, community benefit, service to the watershed, and more? Agrarian Trust’s proposed method is a new form (legal, cultural, and financial) of land ownership to support land access for the next generation of farmers, and we make the path by walking it.
Re-imagining Politics Through the Lens of the Commons
Why are the more wholesome alternative visions so scarce and scarcely believable?
This May Day: Land, Food Workers and the Commons
Traditionally May 1st has been a day to recognize worker contributions and advocate for better rights. Today thousands, maybe millions will take to the street worldwide to take a stand […]
Reinventing the Commons: Social Ecosystems for Local Stewardship & Planetary Survival
Come meet Emma Hempstead, Agrarian Trust’s Agrarian Lawyers Network Shepherd in person at this event and learn more about commons in the modern era! Our friends at the Dynamics Ecological […]
Succession Schools offer options for New England’s Retiring Farmers
Agrarian Trust’s underlying goal is to ensure that the farmland in this country continues to be so after it has left the hands of its current owners. 400 million acres […]
How Agrarian Trust is Fighting for Future Generations
Land access is one of the greatest barriers to entry that farmers today are facing. Arable land is decreasing, while land prices are increasing. Severine von Tscharner Fleming, the Board President […]
Economy of the Commons
Ten years of research by the P2P Foundation has been distilled into Ten Commandments of Commons Economics
8 Principles for Managing A Commons
Elinor Ostrom, a political scientist at Indiana University, received the Nobel Prize for her research proving the importance of the commons around the world. Her work investigating how communities co-operate […]